Necessary Protection for COVID Testing Sites

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In response to the surge of new infections this winter, hundreds of new COVID testing sites have cropped up throughout California — and unfortunately, some are struggling to operate efficiently due to massive demand and understaffing. These sites require the extra protection that can only be provided by electronic security solutions, like access control systems and video surveillance. Here are some ways these systems can be used to protect COVID testing sites in the Bay Area, Fresno or Los Angeles. 

Patient Privacy and HIPAA Compliance 

No matter what the organizational affiliation of the testing staff is, staff members are healthcare professionals required to protect patient privacy. To ensure a COVID testing site is complying with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), paper records and digital devices containing records can be securely stored in a room protected by access control. The testing staff can be issued credentials to swipe at the access control station when they enter the storage room; site supervisors can activate and deactivate these credentials at any time. Access control will ensure supervisors always know who entered the room, and at what time.

When video surveillance is integrated with access control, supervisors can verify the access report by viewing timestamped video that corresponds with the events. Patient information can stay protected, and HIPAA compliance can be achieved. 

Security of COVID Testing Supplies 

The Omicron variant has made testing supplies into commodities that are vulnerable to theft and black market sales. Even small items like swabs, panels and sterilization tools are susceptible to being stolen. If the staff leaves these items in an open testing area overnight, there’s a chance they could be gone in the morning. 

Storing them in a room that’s protected by access control, with a motion-triggered camera mounted near the door, can eliminate the risks of external theft. Supervisors can inform staff about the camera to reduce the risk of internal theft being committed by staff members. 

Call BTS for More Information 

COVID testing sites may be temporary, but they require adequate security to protect everyone who uses them. To discuss access control and video surveillance for a COVID testing site in the Bay Area, Fresno or Los Angeles, call Beyond Tech Solutions. We look forward to speaking with you. 

About BTS

Founded in 2010, Beyond Tech Solutions provides security solutions, communications and surveillance industry in the Bay Area, Los Angeles and Fresno, California.

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